午餐Lunch/ 11:30~14:30
晚餐Dinner/ 18:00~21:30
週五至週六Fri.-Sat.(假日前夕)/ 22:00
Email/ service@robuchon.com.tw
忠於在2003年重出舞台之初衷,Joël Robuchon將台灣首家分店的風格,師法於巴黎、六本木兩間所設立的餐廳系列,風格上自然走歡樂愉悅的工作坊路線,透過每一道精彩萬分的烹調讓新鮮食材更顯獨特與美味,傾向回歸自然清簡、凸顯食材原味的態度,同時兼容東西方跨國文化風格,Joël Robuchon將傳統的法式料理融入亞洲文化,帶領眾人品嚐精雕細琢下的獨門佳餚。
挾帶著超高人氣與聞名遐邇的創意料理,極端挑逗著台灣饕客的味蕾,享受L’ATELIER de Joël Robuchon餐廳所營造出的歡愉氛圍,並在互動的過程中建立一種獨特的美味關係,打破過去飲食的刻板印象,重新建構起感官的多重體驗。
One of Taiwan’s first Michelin starred restaurants, L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon (with 2 Michelin stars) offers classic yet creative French cuisine. After having worked for more than 10 years both under Chef Joël Robuchon and within the Robuchon Group, Chef Yohei Matsuo is at the helm of the kitchen and delivers exceptional dishes through innovative techniques and a careful selection of fresh seasonal ingredients. With a 32-seat counter around a central kitchen, the interactive atmosphere between the kitchen and the dining room expresses all the conviviality of Chef Joël Robuchon's Ateliers and leaves you with the most spectacular dining experience in Taipei.